© Standortagentur Tirol

Research promotion

Applied research

Five universities, including two focused directly on applied sciences, conduct excellent, internationally acclaimed research in Tyrol in the fields of life sciences and biomedical technology (Medical University of Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck, Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL, MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Health University of Applied Sciences).

Basic and clinical research play an important role through the Tirol Kliniken medical facilities. Newer findings are also generated through increased interdisciplinarity and joint efforts by research partners, pharmaceutical companies and biomedical companies


DDr. Petra Stöckl

DDr. Petra Stöckl
Healthcare industry and life sciences
Standortagentur Tirol

m +43 676 843 101 248
t +43 512 576262 248

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