The advisory board is a consultative body that advises on the strategic and content-related direction. It brings expertise to the focus, reflection and further development of the project and is staffed with selected personalities from the fields of creative industries, culture and science. The composition of the advisory board is designed to represent the various areas of the creative industries.

The current advisory board of the cluster consists of the following members (in alphabetical order):

Florina Bertel (Beiratssprecherin)
Artfabrik GmbH

Karolina Holaus
Wirtschaftskammer Tirol

Heike Kiesling
Innsbruck Marketing GmbH

Matthias Lechner
NFBrands.X GmbH

Christian Lunger (stv. Beiratssprecher)
motasdesign (Lunger & Scheiber OG)

Christian Mariacher
Atelier Christian Mariacher

Andreas Rudigier
Tiroler Landesmuseen

Annabell Spötl
Spötl Kreativtischler

Michael Venier
Virtkreativ GmbH

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