The Advisory Board of the Mechatronics Cluster Tyrol:

The strategy for coordinating cooperation, development and expansion projects carried out by the Mechatronics Cluster Tyrol is regularly discussed with the cluster's advisory board. It is made up of practitioners and researchers from various fields in the network.

Mag. Christian Anselm MSc.
optical design unit gmbh

Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Johannes Gerstmayr
Institut für Mechatronik, Universität Innsbruck

Ing. Rainer Haag
Ematric GmbH

DI Dr. techn. Johann G. Hintner
D. Swarovski KG

Prof. (FH) PD Dr. Mario Döller
FH Kufstein Tirol

Ing. Edwin Meindl

Prof. Angelika Peer
Universität Bozen

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Martin Schmidt-Baldassari
HTL Fulpmes

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