Home for businesses EEN Enterprise Europe Network Intelectual Property Serivce

© Standortagentur Tirol

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)

Intelectual Property Serivce

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) offers a comprehensive intellectual property (IP) service with the EEN Intellectual Property Helpdesk. 

Funding can significantly support your innovative drive, but at the same time questions often arise regarding the protection of intellectual property. 

Protecting your innovation starts at the very beginning of an R&D project and is crucial to its success. We offer the expertise you need to understand which aspects of IP are important, what challenges need to be overcome and what funding opportunities are available to you. 


  • Information on patent searches and (free) search options to help you identify potential IP rights 
  • Support in the development of individual property rights strategies and support in accessing relevant property right funding programmes 
  • Overview of useful contacts and information on free initial consultations with patent attorneys, relevant funding organisations and institutional contact points in Tyrol that can assist you with your innovation work 

Selection of possible funding programmes regarding intellectual property rights

  • European IP Helpdesk: Free support for SMEs and research teams in the field of IP.
  • FFG Patent.Scheck: A grant of up to 10,000 euros for SMEs and start-ups for patent searches and patent applications.
  • aws Green.IP: Support for micro-enterprises and SMEs in the development and implementation of an innovation protection strategy with grants up to 75,000 euros. 
  • discover.IP: This free service offers start-ups and companies a confidential information session with experts from the Austrian Patent Office and aws.
  • KMU-Fonds: This fund supports activities related to intellectual property (searches, patent applications, trademark and design protection). Funded by the European Commission and the EUIPO.

Free training programmes

  • IP Academy at the Austrian Patent Office: offers a range of online webinars for companies, researchers and anyone interested in deepening their knowledge of intellectual property.

For further information on the protection of intellectual property, products and technologies, please contact Mr Christian Weißbacher

The Enterprise Europe Network at Standortagentur Tirol GmbH is supported by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy.   

Mag. Christian Weissbacher

Mag. Christian Weissbacher
Sustainability and Intellectual Property Rights
Standortagentur Tirol

m +43 676 843 101 254
t +43 512 576262 254

What is the Enterprise Europe Network ?

What is the Enterprise Europe Network ?

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