Home for businesses Life Sciences Location Tyrol

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Life Sciences Location Tyrol

Tyrol – strong in life sciences

Tyrol is a prominent location within the life sciences industry. Thanks to successful companies and outstanding universities, the sector delivers a high research output, over 11,000 jobs and an industry turnover of almost 3 billion euros. We strengthen the company location with a wide range of services and give new impetus to the “From Bench to Bedside” challenge.


Life Sciences Location Tyrol
From idea to product

We are expanding technology transfer in the life sciences sector through the creation of a suitable infrastructure and vibrant ecosystem. Comprehensive support is provided for start-ups and other research and development projects.

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Tyrol as a business location

The Tyrolean life sciences scene is thriving, growth-oriented and high-revenue. Partners from industry and science work together to develop this growing innovation engine. The location is further strengthened through targeted investments.

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