Home for researchers Networking EEN - Enterprise Europe Network

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Funding & cooperation

Enterprise Europe Network EEN

The Enterprise Europe Network EEN helps businesses and R&D institutes find and use innovative technologies and R&D results in Europe.

Standortagentur Tirol, as a partner of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), provides all businesses and research institutes in Tyrol and Vorarlberg with support in finding European technology partners. Furthermore, we can give you advice on EU funding programmes relevant to your needs and develop new innovation strategies with you for your company.

The Enterprise Europe Network is the world's largest technology marketplace for small and medium-sized enterprises and the European one-stop shop to make your company more international. With just under 600 partner organisations in more than 50 countries, this network for companies and R&D institutes provides a wide range of services, ranging from preliminary advice to EU funding programmes, from international technology partnerships to innovation management.

The local Enterprise Europe Network contact points support innovative and international universities to find industrial partners for their R&D projects and open the door to the European research and technology markets.

Our free services at a glance

We offer support in finding international cooperation partners for

  • licence and marketing agreements
  • joint research and development projects

as well as

  • offering your innovation (technologies, R&D results) on the European market
  • finding innovative technologies, research results and business ideas in Europe
  • finding project partners to carry out joint research and development projects

One key part of the Enterprise Europe Network is the EEN technology database, which provides a comprehensive overview of the latest technologies and developments in research and industry from 54 countries worldwide. You can also offer your own technologies and processes for different purposes in the EEN technology database or even find them for yourself to solve technological issues in your own company. Access to the technology database is free, the EEN experts at Standortagentur Tirol are on hand to help you use it. They can help you

  • create your profile in the EEN database
  • formulate expedient technology searches
  • match queries with existing profiles
  • assess the quality and value of the responses to your queries
  • make the best of cooperation forums and cooperation discussions

Make an appointment with us – at Standortagentur Tirol or at your own company. We look forward to hearing from you!


The Enterprise Europe Network contact point at Standortagentur Tirol GmbH is supported by

Mag. Viktoria Fink

Mag. Viktoria Fink
Enterprise Europe Network
Standortagentur Tirol

m +43 676 843 101 255
t +43 512 576262 255

Enterprise Europe Network

Enterprise Europe Network

Watch on YouTube

Mag. (FH) Christina Lercher

Mag. (FH) Christina Lercher
Funding Advice
Standortagentur Tirol

m +43 676 843 101 234
t +43 512 576262 234

Mag. Mario Weikenkas

Mag. Mario Weikenkas
Enterprise Europe Network
Standortagentur Tirol

m +43 676 843 101 263
t +43 512 576262 263

Sinfonia Innsbruck - Low Carbon Cities for Better Living

Sinfonia Innsbruck - Low Carbon Cities for Better Living

Watch on YouTube

Mag. Christian Weissbacher

Mag. Christian Weissbacher
innovation asessment
Standortagentur Tirol

m +43 676 843 101 254
t +43 512 576262 254

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