Home for businesses Start-up STARTUP.TIROL

 Photo credit: Werkstätte Wattens/Clemens Ascher




An active startup scene has blossomed in Tyrol in the last few years. The Tyrolean startup ecosystem is about to grow even quicker with the aid of STARTUP.TIROL, an association organised as a public-private partnership initiative. It continually stimulates the environment and provides innovative founders with easy access to the help they need when they need it – including online via www.startup.tirol.

  • The STARTUP.TIROL association

Have you got an innovative business idea in the bag but aren’t quite sure who can help you get it off the ground? There’s a simple answer: at STARTUP.TIROL, all the “buddies” are gathered under one roof and will guide you to the partner, format or service you need when you need it.

The participating partners – regional institutions, foundations and companies who assist founders – pool their expertise and provide platforms and instruments, which they use to offer intensive and individual support to startups with high growth potential, especially in the implementation phase and for market entry.

This includes formats such as StartUp-Club Tirol, Alpine Tech Innovation Sprint as well as access to the Tyrol Mentoring Network or – for companies looking for capital – Tyrol Investor Network.

You will find an overview of all formats, services, events and contact points in the Tyrolean startup ecosystem on the STARTUP.TIROL website:

>> STARTUP.TIROL website

Supporting institutions of the STARTUP.TIROL association are I.E.C.T. Hermann Hauser, MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Standortagentur Tirol, tba Tyrolean Business Angels, University of Innsbruck, Werkstätte Wattens, Chamber of Commerce Tyrol and UBIT, the expert group for management consulting, accountancy and IT of the Chamber of Commerce Tyrol.

  • STARTUP.TIROL business incubator

Are you a researcher at one of the universities in Tyrol and your research results have the potential to help you build your own successful tech startup? Then the Start Up Tirol GmbH business incubator is the professional partner that can help you get your idea to the market.

The Start Up Tirol GmbH business incubator helps tech-based startups with high growth potential from universities in Tyrol by providing support with business development and market entry. A specially developed scale-up programme helps academic spin-offs use their research results commercially in their own technology companies. A major phase towards the market entry of the startup programme is the “startup booster”. It allows teams to get their tech startup ready for the market and for investments by providing individual coaching for 18 months.

You will find more information on the startup programme and the services offered by Start up Tirol GmbH on the STARTUP.TIROL website:

>> Startup programmes

Associates of Start Up Tirol GmbH are the University of Innsbruck, the Medical University of Innsbruck, Standortagentur Tirol, MCI Management Center Innsbruck, FH Kufstein Tirol, the Private University UMIT for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, the STARTUP.TIROL association and the Chamber of Commerce Tyrol. The Start Up Tirol GmbH business incubator is funded by austria wirtschaftsservice GmbH as part of the AplusB Scale-up programme run by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology and the State of Tyrol.


Lisa Spöck, MSc

Lisa Spöck, MSc
startup programmes
Standortagentur Tirol

m +43 676 843 101 218
t +43 512 576262 218

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