Home for businesses EEN Enterprise Europe Network

© Standortagentur Tirol

The world's largest business support network

We support SMEs to grow internationally.

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)

Standortagentur Tirol is partner of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) - a network of numerous organisations in over 40 countries, both within and outside the European Single Market.    

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), research institutes and universities in Tyrol and Vorarlberg can reach out to the EEN if they are looking for new international cooperation partners or want to develop their business sustainably. The EEN experts at Standortagentur Tirol support knowledge and technology transfer for the development of innovative products and services and advise on relevant EU funding programmes. 

Our services and offers

  • International networking via partnering events, company missions and the partnering opportunities platform of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)  
  • Ensuring economic success through the detailed analysis and practical recommendations for action in the areas of corporate sustainability and innovation management  
  • Identification of suitable funding programmes and financing instruments for innovative ideas  
  • Advisory on patents, utility models, trademarks and other intellectual property rights 
  • Support in the generation of new ideas 


This project is co-financed by the European Commission under the ‘Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs’ programme under the number 101052638 - Austria4SME- SMP-COSME-2021-EEN-01. 
The total budget allocated is EUR 3.798.553,93 (SMP-COSME: EUR 3.300.741,00) and the share of Standortagentur Tirol is EUR 397.941,83 (SMP-COSME: EUR 221.867,10). 

The Enterprise Europe Network at Standortagentur Tirol GmbH is supported by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy. 


EEN Enterprise Europe Network
EU funding programmes

The EU offers a wide range of funding opportunities in the areas of research, innovation and entrepreneurial growth. Find out more

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Sustainability Check

Your cost-free compass into a sustainable future.

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Intelectual Property Serivce

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) offers a comprehensive intellectual property (IP) service with the EEN Intellectual Property Helpdesk.

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Contact form

Are you interested in our services? We look forward to hearing from you!

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