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Presentation of the company ematric

Company name
ematric gmbh

Business field
automation technology, mechatronics, robotics, and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things).


Business location
Landeck, Fürstenfeld & Fließer Au

Number of employees in Tyrol​

Number of employees at all locations

Our drive is to accompany our customers in the era of automation and digitalization, guiding them towards the best solutions for their facilities and work processes. Welcome to the future, welcome to our world.

Our vision is to create a world where automation and digitalization seamlessly integrate into every aspect of industrial work life. We aim to be leaders in developing innovative solutions that enhance efficiency and shape the future of the industry. Through continuous research and collaboration, we push the boundaries of automation technology, setting new standards for performance and sustainability.


  • Employee satisfaction: Employee satisfaction is a central value for us, as we recognize that motivated and engaged teams are the key to our success.
  • ​Innovation: We foster a culture of continuous innovation to constantly find new ways to inspire our customers and drive the future of automation technology forward.
  • Quality: We strive for excellence in everything we do, consistently advocating for the highest quality and customer satisfaction while promoting the well-being and development of our employees.

Our corporate culture is characterized by an atmosphere of collaboration, innovation, and mutual respect. We promote openness and teamwork to create an environment where employees can unleash their full potential. Our culture is defined by a strong commitment to excellence, customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement.

Sustainability efforts

  • Energy efficiency optimization: We invest in the development and implementation of energy-efficient technologies and processes to minimize energy consumption in automation solutions and reduce their environmental impact.
  • Resource efficiency in production: Through continuous optimization of manufacturing processes, we aim for efficient use of materials and resources to reduce waste and environmental impact.
  • Promotion of sustainable practices with customers: We actively advise and support our customers in implementing sustainable practices by developing solutions that promote efficiency and resource conservation, advancing ecological sustainability across various industries.


  • Accessible workplaces: We create an inclusive environment by providing barrier-free workplaces and facilities to ensure that all employees can fully participate in work life regardless of their individual needs.
  • Mentoring program: We utilize a mentoring program where experienced employees act as mentors, supporting new employees or those with specific needs to promote their professional growth and integration.
  • Flexible work models: We offer flexible work models that allow our employees to adjust their working hours to their individual needs, facilitating a balanced work-life situation and easing the integration of employees in different life situations.

Social engagement

  • Social engagement and support of clubs: Our employees have the opportunity to pursue their clubs and hobbies outside of working hours, thanks to our flexible flextime regulations. Additionally, we financially support a variety of clubs to promote their important work in the community.
  • Partnerships with local communities: We maintain close partnerships with local communities and specifically support projects and programs that promote education, healthcare, environmental protection, and social justice, including regional schools and STEM promotion programs, to strengthen the well-being of our community.
  • Support for educational initiatives: We actively engage in educational initiatives and school projects by providing resources and financial support to improve educational opportunities. Additionally, we regularly conduct STEM weeks, where students aged 13 to 15 spend a week at our company to gain insights into careers in the STEM field.


  • Secure jobs and growth opportunities: Permanent employment contracts and the prospect of growth even in times of crisis provide security and stability for the future of our employees.
  • New Work and flexible working conditions: The opportunity for flexible working hours, home office options including equipment with mobile phones and laptops, as well as guided onboarding, enable a good work-life balance and individual work design.
  • Development opportunities and further education possibilities: Our employees have access to a wide range of exciting projects and receive support for their personal and professional development through further education opportunities and the chance to advance into project management roles.

Message to future professionals
You are the creators of a new era where innovation and progress go hand in hand. Your skills and dedication are crucial for solving global challenges and creating a sustainable future. Stay curious, keep learning, and be ready to shape the world with your knowledge and creativity. Your contributions are invaluable - let's together push the boundaries of what's possible and shape a world that's better for everyone. Welcome to the future - it's in your hands.

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