Horizon Europe is the world's largest transnational funding programme for research and innovation.
Innovative and internationally oriented companies and R&D institutes can benefit from Horizon Europe, as the programme provides support in all phases of the innovation process. The funding priorities focus on important social challenges such as health, the environment and transport.
I) Open Science - excellent science
- Funding of fundamental cutting-edge research by the European Research Council (ERC)
II) Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
- Focuses on solutions to societal challenges in the fields of health, culture and creativity, civil security, digitalisation, industry and space, climate, energy and mobility, and environment
- Focuses on five EU-wide missions and thus on various Horizon Europe thematic calls such as digitalisation or health
- Promotes cooperation between science and industry to strengthen European innovation and competitiveness
- Support of ground-breaking innovations with disruptive impact and international scaling potential from basic research to market maturity with the European Innovation Council (EIC)
- Comprises the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which creates a knowledge hub for innovation in various sectors
- Promotes networking and the dissemination of research results with the European Innovation Ecosystem (EIE)
The Horizon Europe programme aims to keep Europe at the forefront of scientific research and technological innovation to meet global challenges and strengthen the competitiveness of European industry.
Do you want to submit your innovative project to one of the Horizon Europe programmes? The experts of the Enterprise Europe Network support you!
The European Innovation Council (EIC), as part of Horizon Europe, supports start-ups and SMEs in the development of disruptive breakthrough innovations with international scaling potential.
The EIC funding instruments cover the entire innovation development cycle:
The Pathfinder programme aims at basic research projects in high-risk and radical innovative technologies. The early phases of scientific and technological research are funded - from the idea to the prototype and/or business case development. >>Pathfinder-Infosheet
The Transition Programme supports innovation, that has already received EIC funding, with additional funding and resources in the transition from laboratory to market.
The Accelerator Programme focuses on the development of prototypes, market launch and scaling. The main target groups are start-ups and SMEs.
The Eureka programme is a transnational initiative that aims to promote cross-border cooperation in research and development.
The programme focuses on market-oriented projects with economic value that promote the development of innovative products, services or processes. The Eureka programme involves 40 countries and the EU.
There are several Eureka network projects and Eureka clusters that encourage cross-border exchange, organise networking activities and publish calls for proposals on various topics and countries.
Eurostars is a sub-programme of Eureka. It is an international, open-topic, cooperative funding programme tailored to innovative SMEs. The programme focuses on the development of an innovative product, process or service. The aim is to launch a new product-, process- or service-innovation on the market in 24 months after the project is completed.
Interreg is an EU funding programme that aims to promote cross-border cooperation between regions of different EU member states.
The programme focuses on solving common challenges, promoting sustainable development and building cross-border partnerships. Interreg projects facilitate cross-border, transnational and interregional projects in areas such as environmental protection, economic development, education and innovation.