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Funding & international cooperation

EEN - Enterprise Europe Network

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) supports companies and R&D institutions in finding and exploiting innovative technologies and R&D results in Europe.

Standortagentur Tirol, as a partner of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), and as Tyrolean science and business promotion agency, Standortagentur Tirol supports all Tyrolean and Vorarlberg companies and research institutions in their search for European technology partners. In addition, we advise you on the EU funding programs relevant to you and work with you to develop new innovation strategies for your company.

The Enterprise Europe Network is the world's largest technology marketplace for small and medium-sized enterprises and the European one-stop shop for internationalizing your business. With almost 600 partner organizations in more than 50 countries, the network offers companies and R&D institutions a broad service portfolio ranging from basic consulting on EU funding programs to international technology cooperation and innovation management.

With the help of events and individual consultations, the local contact points of the Enterprise Europe Network support innovative and internationally oriented companies and open up access to the European research and technology market.

Our free services at a glance

We support you in the search for foreign cooperation partners for

  • production and manufacturing agreements
  • licensing and marketing agreements
  • joint ventures
  • joint research and development projects

as well as in

  • offering your innovation (technologies, R&D results) on the European market
  • finding innovative technologies, research results and business ideas in Europe
  • finding project partners for the realization of joint research and development projects
  • identifying and using the EU funding programs that are right for you
  • strengthening your innovation management in the company

A core component of the Enterprise Europe Network is the EEN Technology Database, which gives you a comprehensive overview of the latest technologies and current developments from research and industry in 54 countries worldwide. In addition, you can use the EEN technology database to offer your own technologies and processes for various purposes, or to find technologies and processes for solving specific problems in your company. Access to the technology database is free, and the EEN experts at Standortagentur Tirol will assist you in using it. They will help you to:

  • create your profile in the EEN database
  • formulate target-oriented technology searches
  • match requests with existing profiles
  • review replies to your requests regarding their quality and usefulness
  • get the most out of cooperation exchanges and cooperation talks.

Just ask about an informal meeting with us, either at the Standortagentur Tirol headquarters or at your company. We are looking forward to meeting you!

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The Enterprise Europe Network contact point at Standortagentur Tirol GmbH is supported by

Since 2014, the former "SME Instrument", now EIC Accelerator, has been targeting innovative SMEs with European and global ambitions.

Any topic or field is welcome. Non-technological innovations, such as social innovations or innovations in the service sector, can also be funded. 

Target group
Only individual SMEs based in an EU Member State or in one of the countries associated with Horizon 2020 are eligible. Research institutions, universities or larger companies may support the funded SME as subcontractors. 

There are two funding options

  • purely grant-based funding (non-repayable grant) between 0.5 and 2.5 million euros ("grant-only")
  • mixed funding, consisting of grant and capital financing ("blended financing"), also for further market activities. Blended financing consists of a non-repayable grant of between EUR 0.5 and 2.5 million and equity capital of up to EUR 15 million. 

Innovation status
A technology readiness level of 5 or 6 is required to apply for funding. That is, the research should be completed and the technology verified in relevant environments (TRL 5), or a working demonstrator (TRL 6) should be available. As a rule, funding is provided for development close to the market, starting from "demonstration under operational conditions".  

Innovation and final development activities are carried out in the Accelerator. This includes activities such as demonstration, testing, prototyping, piloting, scale-up, miniaturization or design, right through to market implementation. 

Further facts:

  • only for-profit SMEs and start-ups are eligible to apply.
  • this is a single grant (involvement of other partners only possible as subcontractors).
  • open-topic approach ("bottom-up")
  • funding for market-oriented project ideas (basic research must have been completed).
  • free support from business coaches as part of the grant (maximum 12 days per project).
  • continuous submission with 4 deadlines per year
  • project duration: 12 to 24 months
  • funding percentage: 70% of total eligible costs (additionally, 25% as indirect costs). 

Application procedure
The procedure is two-stage. After the online procedure, particularly promising applicants are invited to an interview in Brussels in the second stage. There they present their project to a jury of experts. Applications from SMEs with the most compelling interviews will be selected for funding. 

Applications may only be submitted through the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal. Submission is possible on an ongoing basis with four deadlines per year. 

Strengthen your innovation management, your sustainability efforts or evaluate your level of digitalization.

Enterprise Europe Network - innovation experts from Standortagentur Tirol conduct a structured assessment using an online assessment tool and compare it with benchmarks provided by companies from all over Europe.

What is IMP³rove?
To strengthen the innovation and competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in 2006, the European Commission initiated the project "IMProvement of Innovation Management Performance with sustainable IMPact", IMP3rove for short.

IMP³rove offers online assessment tools established all over Europe for the analysis and optimization of your company in different areas. The assessment tools have been developed in cooperation between A.T. Kearney, the Fraunhofer Society and other experts, on behalf of the European Commission.

Status-quo analysis through reliable assessment tools
Depending on your industry and company size, several tools are used - but mostly tools based on the IMP³rove method.
Innovation management, digital readiness and the sustainable development of your company are analyzed.

Such assessments offer valuable benefits for your company:

  • they consider all important aspects of good innovation management
  • they open an internal discussion about the status quo in the company
  • they allow a comparison with currently up to 9000 companies analyzed across Europe (benchmark in the Innovation Management Assessment)
  • they quickly and effectively identify existing strengths and weaknesses
  • they identify areas for improvement and provide thought-provoking impulses

Procedure of the Assessments

  • preliminary discussion (30 minutes) with the EEN regarding expectations, the tool used as well as information about the procedure; arrangement of further appointments.
  • conducting of the selected Assessment with ideally 2-3 people from your company (ideally including management/executive-level staff), depending on the tool and the course of discussion (duration: 1.5 - 2.5 hours)
  • feedback meeting and evaluation of the analysis report approx. 2-3 weeks after the assessment
  • support in drawing up an individual catalog of measures. (Duration: approx. 1.5 - 2 hours) 

Target group
The offer is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with up to 250 employees from Tyrol and Vorarlberg which would like to specifically improve their ability to innovate and/or their performance in the areas of sustainability or digitalization.

All services are funded by the EU and therefore free of charge for your company.

IMP³rove Corporate Sustainability Navigator
Strengthen your sustainable corporate development

IMP³rove Digital Innovation Quotient
Strengthen your digital innovation capability by measuring your digital readiness level

IMP³rove Innovation Management Assessment
Strengthen your innovation management

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Enterprise Europe Network

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Technology database



Mag. Viktoria Fink

Mag. Viktoria Fink
Enterprise Europe Network
Standortagentur Tirol

m +43 676 843 101 255
t +43 512 576262 255

Welcome to Tyrol.

Welcome to Tyrol.

Watch on YouTube

Mag. (FH) Christina Lercher

Mag. (FH) Christina Lercher
Funding Advice
Standortagentur Tirol

m +43 676 843 101 234
t +43 512 576262 234

Mag. Mario Weikenkas

Mag. Mario Weikenkas
Enterprise Europe Network
Standortagentur Tirol

m +43 676 843 101 263
t +43 512 576262 263

Sinfonia Innsbruck - Low Carbon Cities for Better Living

Sinfonia Innsbruck - Low Carbon Cities for Better Living

Watch on YouTube

Mag. Christian Weissbacher

Mag. Christian Weissbacher
innovation asessment
Standortagentur Tirol

m +43 676 843 101 254
t +43 512 576262 254

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