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Cluster Mechatronics Tirol

Mechatronics: a strong and pulsating high-growth industry.

Mechatronics is regarded as the driver of innovation for all industries throughout the world. This not only refers to mechatronic products themselves, but also to the manufacturing processes and procedures of many products in the consumer goods industry, which are carried out by mechatronic systems.

Cooperation between mechatronic companies in Tyrol as well as with universities in Tyrol forms the foundation of these excellent innovative achievements, which has brought attention to the local industry at an international level.

98* highly innovative companies, institutions and universities employing more than 4,000 people use the Mechatronics Cluster Tyrol for their projects. They work in various fields of technology, including:

  • Toolmaking and mould construction
  • Metal finishing
  • Lightweight construction and new materials
  • Automotive
  • Optics
  • Plastics processing
  • Engineering and industrial design
  • Machinery and plant engineering
  • Education and research

*incl. members who participate in more than one Tyrolean cluster.

All of the members in the cluster network can be found in the competence atlas, along with their details and contact information.

The clusters of Standortagentur Tirol GmbH are co-financed by the Province of Tyrol and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). 

Interconnected systems and Smart Production
What primarily affects the manufacturing industry today, is also going to affect all industries in the future: Industry 4.0 and its methods are also going to play a role in enterprise systems, smart cities, smart energy solutions, mobility, telemedicine and medicine technology, digital construction as well as in tourism, snow technologies and snow management. This is why the Standortagentur Tirol clusters offer their members advice relevant to these issues on appropriate funding, assess basic and advanced training and develop them if necessary, expand and deepen cooperation at a national and international level and where possible contribute to building a virtual demonstration factory. The aim is to extend the reach of Tyrolean companies in industry, energy or transportation for devices with an Internet connection.

Material Technology - Lightweight Construction - Surface Coating
Lightweight construction is regarded as one of the key technologies of the future as by reducing mass an important contribution can be made to increasing resource efficiency. By consuming fewer raw materials and energy, costs can also be saved, therefore also making the key technology of lightweight construction economically viable and feasible. Modern construction methods and new materials usually lead to new product design possibilities. At workshops and information and specialist events, cluster members can update their knowledge on subjects such as 3D printing, lightweight construction and surface coating and by conducting a survey to identify products that are extremely profitable.

Smart City - Smart Energy
Urbanisation, demographic changes and climate change, mobility, energy and environmental issues pose major challenges for growing towns of the future as well as the regions they are located in. The competitiveness of regions will be increasingly determined in towns. A smart city combines social and technical innovations intelligently in order to create towns as long-term attractive business locations with a high quality of living. In terms of energy, our services have to become more efficient, energy supply has to be prepared for a post-fossil era and our societies for a "zero/low carbon society". The goal is to become more energy-efficient and have more renewable energies in the energy mix. The intelligent interlinking of energy supply, distribution (grids), storage and consumption is an attempt to develop and implement sustainable and smart energy systems. Based on, and in addition to "Sinfonia", the cluster members are provided with support to develop and implement new cross-industry solutions for buildings, mobility, infrastructure, the supply, distribution and storage of energy in urban environments as well as the necessary planning tools and business models: expertise from the Renewable Energies, IT, Mechatronics and Life Sciences clusters as well as the key area of Industry 4.0 ("Internet of Things") in the IT and Mechatronics clusters as well as the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Smart Energy Solutions initiatives enable holistic concepts and new solutions.

Medical Technology Initiative
Tyrol is regarded as a strong business and scientific location for medical technology when compared on a national level. In order to further strengthen this position, Standortagentur Tirol and its clusters actively support cross-industry cooperation between its cluster members, especially in the areas of IT, mechatronics and material sciences (smart living, AAL – Ambient Assisted Living, Big Data, data security, software as a medical product, Industry 4.0, biomaterial). This increases the visibility of Tyrolean medical technology in Austria and abroad, strengthens the regional network (especially between companies and research institutes), extends the qualification programmes for manufacturers and suppliers and develops the regional competences in biomaterial into an important interface to Life Sciences.

The clusters help their members increase their innovation skills and so be one step ahead of the competition.

You want to make new contacts and find partners, increase your knowledge and learn from the best, develop innovations and secure your market advantage, enter new markets and be seen? Standortagentur Tirol's cluster services provide you with the appropriate instruments to do all this.

Standortagentur Tirol's cluster services focus on networking between businesses and science to enable as much knowledge and technology transfer between the two as possible. The clusters aim to generate innovation with new products and services, strengthen the cluster members' business and R&D competence and to extend the knowledge and value chains in Tyrol to national cross-industry economic areas.

For this purpose, you as a cluster member can simply choose cluster services you need according to the modular principle.

find out more

The Advisory Board of the Mechatronics Cluster Tyrol:

The strategy for coordinating cooperation, development and expansion projects carried out by the Mechatronics Cluster Tyrol is regularly discussed with the cluster's advisory board. It is made up of practitioners and researchers from various fields in the network.

Mag. Christian Anselm MSc.
optical design unit gmbh

Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Johannes Gerstmayr
Institut für Mechatronik, Universität Innsbruck

Ing. Rainer Haag
Ematric GmbH

DI Dr. techn. Johann G. Hintner
D. Swarovski KG

Prof. (FH) PD Dr. Mario Döller
FH Kufstein Tirol

Ing. Edwin Meindl

Prof. Angelika Peer
Universität Bozen

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Martin Schmidt-Baldassari
HTL Fulpmes

The partners of the Mechatronics Cluster Tyrol:

The following organisations and associations work closely with the Mechatronics Cluster Tyrol and its members (in alphabetical order):

AT Styria | Plattform der Automatisierungstechnik Steiermark

Bayern Innovativ – Cluster Mechatronik & Automation

Bundesinnung: Mechatroniker

Förderverein Technik Tirol

Kompetenznetwerk Mechatronik BW e.V.

Mechatronik Cluster Oberösterreich

NOI AG – Technologiefeld Automotive | Automation

Swiss Mechatronics

Qualification in the mechatronic environment:

Berufs- und Brancheninfo: Mechatronik

HTL Fulpmes

HTL Innsbruck

HTL Jenbach

IKA Reutte

IFM – Internationales Forum Mechatronik

MCI - Management Center Innsbruck

Mechatronik Lehre in Tirol

Österreichische Clusterplattform

PHTL Lienz

Technisches Gymnasium Telfs

Universität Innsbruck


Standortagentur Tirol GmbH

t +43 512 576262
Ing.-Etzel-Str. 17, 6020 Innsbruck

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